Guest Post: 4 Quick Ideas for Business Causals for Men & Women

A decade ago, we had corporate taste in everything official. From office fashion dress codes to hiring processes and office spaces to work cultures. Recent startups have begun to shake these rules. Work cultures have seen an enormous change in terms of work environments, men’s office fashion, open desk culture, women’s office fashion and what not!

People are ditching the complete formals and shifting to business casual wears as this is the new office fashion. But, they forget every dress code has its rules. Try out these corporate casual office fashion ideas if you want to pull off a killing corporate casual attire.

Let’s Begin With Women’s Office Fashion

1. Dark neutral shade pantsuits with a bootleg cut are trendy. The colors you should pick are navy blue, black, gray or brown along with a light sweater.

2. A sheath is a classic office fashion piece that complements your natural curves. You can pick the one that is not too tight or too revealing. Keep it subtle. Wear a cardigan or a blazer to add a little more professionalism to the outer layer of your attire.

3. One thing that never goes out of office fashion is a crisp white cotton shirt. You can try hues like chartreuse and chambray. The next popular thing in line is Cardigan twin set that is professional as well as easy going.

4. Now, add accessories and corporate jewelry to your look to polish out your office fashion.

These are the women office fashion ideas. Now, let’s go the men’s office fashion ideas

1. Te begin the list, what’s better than a sports coat to pull off a professional look? Pick up the professional colors such as black, navy blue, dark or light gray with khakis or dark wool pants.

2. If you want to ditch the blazer, then casual button-down oxford shirts should be your pick. You can still have the tie if you want, but without the tie will also do. Don’t go for the loud prints. Keep it subtle with white, pinstripe or chambray.

3. For the lower part, you have corduroys, dockers, linen slacks, and wool flannel. You can have these with or without the blazer. Make sure you iron them properly before you wear them.

4. Many men give a cold shoulder to shoes but shoes can make or break your office fashion look. Loafers, boat shoes, and oxfords make a great combo with the khakis. Avoid sneakers and hiking boots even with semi-formal attire as they ruin the office fashion look. Save them for the weekend.

So, these were a few quick ideas about casual office fashion that men and women can try out.